Judy Walton

Judy Walton

Judy Walton is a resident of The Town of Blue Mountains. She has had two careers, one as a Registered Nurse and her second as an Anglican Priest. She is now retired but continues to assist in various parishes when needed.

Since her childhood Judy has enjoyed painting. In more recent years she studied with the Bay School of Art and presently is taking instruction at the Collingwood Art Academy, with Jason Alexander as her instructor.  Over the past few years she has sold several of her pieces including several commissioned works. Her preferred medium is oil on canvas. Her use of colour is one of her paintings distinguishing traits.


I’m currently available for commission work. If you’re interested, please get in contact with me using the contact form below.


Contact me

If you're interested in working with me, purchasing one of my pieces or want to get in contact, please fill in the form below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.